Thursday, May 22, 2014

Shedding the shame and focusing on me again.

Hello again,

I am looking back to my previous post that was over 2 years ago.  I wish I could come back and tell you all that I have lost the weight that I had gained back and achieved all of my goals.  I have in fact gained back all the weight I lost plus some.  I am currently the biggest I have ever been at 375 pounds.  I decided tonight that I am going to do anything it takes to focus on me again.  

After college I began working in the IT sector and let my job take precedence over every aspect of my life and used food to cope with the stress of a "big kid job".  I have been doing well in the professional aspect of my life and have the dream job I always wanted.  I found love and lost it and there are many reasons that happened.  After I suffered through the heartbreak I threw myself into work and at one point I was working two jobs just so I would not have to deal with the pain of losing the relationship that I had.  

I am now more balanced in most aspects of my life and am working just one job and I get to travel all across the United States which is great.  Now I know that since I have almost every aspect of my life in order that its time to focus on my health.  I am ashamed to admit that I have lost the battle of weight loss but thanks to Sean Anderson I feel that I can win the war.  In my opinion losing weight that you have already lost before is much more difficult because you always have a nagging fear that you will just gain back the weight if you give up.  It is a harsh reality to know that no matter how much you achieve it can all go away.  I have recently made some lifestyle changes to facilitate this oncoming weight loss journey.  I am also not going to equate my self worth to a number this time around.  

The plan I have started is that I will change my lifestyle and let the weight come off as a result of good choices.  I have a great gym and easy access to it and I am more aware of my weaknesses than ever before.  Please join me and help to keep me accountable throughout this journey.  I am going to list some of the weaknesses I am aware of so I can look back to this post and remind myself what to watch out for.  I am also going to put my solutions next to the weaknesses.

Weaknesses and Solutions

1. Emotional Eating (I will hop over ot the gym when I feel stressed and work it out)
2. Unhealthy foods (I am only keeping healthy food in the house to avoid any temptation, and it is food that I love)
3. Overating (I am keeping under 2,000 calories per day and 1,800 if I am not hungry then I wont eat extra)
4. An inactive lifestyle (I am committing to going to the gym 5 times a week, I actually like it :) )
5. My mothers cooking (Good old southern food that I love but I can live without)  

This is just a short introduction.  I will post everyday and try to include pictures!  I appreciate you for reading this!



1 comment:

  1. This, Michael, is one of the most exciting posts I've read in recent memory. You're poised to not only reclaim your healthiest weight, but you'll do it with the knowledge of experience. You're destined for an entirely different experience. My heart connects with your relationship pain, Michael. I was in love too and it all came crashing down. But it's okay, ya know? It is, because the kind of epiphanies we're having are the kind that transforms us in a way where the physical is the least... The benefits of the emotional and mental dynamics far outweigh the physical benefits... As we get reacquainted with who we are and we embrace ourselves with a new perspective--gradually we become better equipped to love and be loved... You're best years are ahead of you and I'm absolutely thrilled to be along for the ride, my friend. Great work and so glad you're back!!
