Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 12 Elepticals and Studying =Awesome

I did great on calories today and it was so satisfying.  I ended up eating 1,510 calories and it was so satisfying, I had a delicious salisbury steak meal with macoroni and cheese (Lean Cuisine) for just 260 calories to top off the day.  This weigh in coming up (2-24-11) is something I am looking forward to so much.  I know that I have been doing well in regards to eating an exercise.  I broke a record today for calories burned, 5,773 calories in just one day.  I fully expect to weigh in and to have lost 6 lbs in two weeks.  I just want to tell you guys that this whole blogging thing is working!  Everytime I want to go over I think...I'm going to have to squeal on myself!  Honestly though since I've been restricting my calories 1,500 seems like more than enough.   I'm actually having to plan to eat even when I'm not hungry just to fulfill the 1,500 for the day!  Something new I've been trying recently is to drink something when I eat,  what I drink doesn't really matter for the most part.  I drink lots of sugar free tea at my place and lots of water and afterwards I'm stuffed with a 250-300 calorie meal!  Eating healthy can be so satisfying because so many healthy foods are so low low in a calorie/mass ratio. 

I've been watching a new show on A & E called "Heavy" and its just so inspirational to see those people work so hard. 

My workout included some walking and running with my friend then I got on an eleptical for about 1.5 hours then walked a bit.  When I was on the eleptical I studied so much!  I want to keep combining my stuyding and working out because when I'm on an eleptical I can do something useful with that time. 

I know I'm writing my blog the day after and thats because I've been busy studying for a test! 

I also want to encourage you guys to possibly start blogs of your own if you are trying to lose weight!  If you already have a blog hit me up and I will totally follow you!  :D 

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