Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 6 Thunder Tuesday

Well it looks like I get to go to a Thunder game for FREE today!  My friend Alan recieved four free tickets from his valentine so he gets to take 3 friends.  Well I have had to be strategic with my eating today to be able to eat with my friends tonight wherever we go.  I've eaten just over 500 calories so far today and I'm planning on using the remaining 1,000 or so tonight at some restaurant (hopefully Cracker Barrel!).  I don't really have any time to workout today so keeping my calories down will be especially important.  I'll update you guys later about how my food intake went. 

Au revoir!


I ended up eating a delicious burger which was topped with an o so generous portion of Guacamole!!!  I had a salad before the burger (house) and very little low cal rasberry vinagerette dressing.  Right before we went to Bricktown Brewery we saw a redbull car and they hopped out and gave us free energy drinks!  I opted for the sugar free version :D (good choice eh?!).  After purchasing and devouring that delicious burger I promised myself I would buy some Guacamole which has about the same calories as low fat cheese and substitute it for cheese on sandwiches for example.  All in all it was a 1,535 calorie day :D 

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome, Michael! I'm glad your friends are helping you out and encouraging you.
    I'm trying to lose some weight as well. But I'm doing it the hard way...P90X! So far I haven't lost a lot of weight. I'm hoping it's because I'm gaining muscle. I'm starting to see some results, though.
    Keep up the good work, man!
    I'll try to post more on my blog, too: www.youthministryhilarity.blogspot.com
